Viral Video Marketing  
Viral Video Marketing, Viral Video Production, Viral Video Campaigns, NH Viral Video Marketing

Viral Video Marketing

Viral video marketing extends the reach of your web site and/or product, through the creation of a web ready video, then the use of free tools that spread the word to large audiences, encouraging others to pass your viral video along. When they do, they also provide a powerful implied endorsement.

Our viral video marketing team will work with you to develop a viral video marketing campaign that includes your choice of a free e-book, client videos, or “pass it on tools” such as online forwarding options. And viral video and other viral marketing techniques are increasingly popular because they are far cheaper than traditional advertising and often many times more effective.

Through a viral video marketing campaign, we’ll script and produce one or more videos that highlight your product or service. Those videos can then be uploaded to more than 15 social networking sites including YouTube, AOL Video, Google Video, and Metacafe. After posting your viral video, your video becomes a resource or “entertainment” available to millions of viewers daily . You reap the additional benefits of viral video marketing when site visitors recommend your video to their friends or post comments about it. We've seen creative, low budget clips get MILLIONS of views!

To maximize your viral video efforts, our marketing pros will work with you to create a “buzz” about your videos through multiple channels, press releases, the deployment of blogs or vlogs, and/or pay per click or banner advertising, to encourage feedback and comments on the videos. Your viral video marketing then benefits from “word of mouse” as Internet users pass the word along time and time again with little or no additional effort from you.

A TRUE CASE HISTORY:   Iron Brides™, a reality TV show formed in August, 2008 in New Hampshire, launched a web site on the 14th of September, 2008. We created 6 videos for them, did a press release, had three people in the organization start blogs, and did both online and video viral marketing. Fourteen (14) days later Google reported knowing of 776 pages mentioning their site, while Yahoo reported 1,060. In those same two weeks their site received 1,302 visitors, with 4,113 pages viewed, dozens of emails and numerous calls. And that was just the first two weeks!   Just 1 month later, (remember, this is now about 8-9 weeks after the company was formed) Yahoo reported over 30,000 pages discussing the show. That's with well less than $10K being spent on the site, video AND marketing combined!  Of course results vary but you can see the power of viral video marketing.

Could YOU use the attention that 30,000 pages would bring? Call us today at 603.491.4340 for more information.

Web Page Design

Website Hosting
Website Copywriting
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Viral Video Marketing
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  • Affordable Viral Video Marketing
  • Full Production & Marketing Capabilities
  • Inexpensive Viral Video Strategies

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